3 Best clipboard apps for android that you can't miss

3 best clipboard apps for android

What would our life be without android, an operating system which is fully power packed, robust and simply amazing, easy to use interface with lots and lots of features.

Android has developed drastically over the years, adding new functionality in every update to make our android using experience better and better every time the update comes to us.

But one of the few things that haven’t changed in android since the beginning of its evolution is its clipboard.

Whenever we copy text with those little "thingies", it stays in the clipboard until you reboot your phone or tablet, or you copy the nest time, then the previously copied text is replaced by the later copied text.

We all Android users face this problem every now and then.
But there is a solution for this problem and that is Android's ability to install third party apps, same as we use third party keyboard apps, messaging apps, calling apps etc.

So, in this post, I am going to tell you about the best of the best Clipboard app for android that will make managing your clipboard item a breeze.

Here is the list you've been waiting for, so first in the list is.

Copy bubble:

Copy bubble banner

Developer: www.Diggo.com

Download Copy Bubble

This app is tiny yet Intuitive Easy to access through a float bubble that you can move it anywhere on the screen as you like.

You can Clip text and image in any app just by tapping built-in copy menu
 Its Lightweight Only 1mb, so you need not to worry about your android storage.

How to use:

Install the app from Playstore and when you open it you will see two options Settings and help. Tap on settings. 
copy bubble android app

In the settings option you can set the app to auto start whenever you reboot your phone, 
you can also check the second option to auto hide the floating bubble whenever you launch the copy bubble app.

You can change the floating bubble's size and transparency that suits you the most.

Now, suppose you have copied many items and you want to paste a specific copied item that you have copied in copy bubble then click on the small copy icon on the copied panel and it will be read for you to paste anywhere you like. 

Every copied item has its own panel with options like edit, copy, share and remove.
As you can see in the screenshot below the copied item's panel border turns orange which indicates that item is ready to paste.  

copy and paste

You can also paste multiple items from copy bubble by tapping on the Multiple choices option which is on the upper right hand corner and then you can choose items manually by checking items. 

You can tap on select all icons so that all the items will be copied and will be ready to paste at once.

copy bubble interface

Next in the list is.

Universal copy:

icon universal copy

Developer: Camel Corporation 

Universal copy is a unique app there are a few apps like it in the market, I believe it’s best of its kind. It lets you copy text which you can’t normally with android’s built in text selection tool.

How to use?

Universal copy formatting app

After downloading and installing the app, activate the Universal Copy accessibility service by going into system Settings > System >Accessibility > Services > check Universal Copy as on.

accessibility services

setting up universal copy

Go to the universal copy app or any app you want to copy text from, open your notification drawer and click on "Activate Universal Copy mode" tap the text you want to copy, it will highlight in blue click on Copy and you're done!.

Last in the list is.

SwiftKey Keyboard:

Developer: SwiftKey

logo icon

You must be thinking, in this list first I included Copy bubble then Universal copy and now Swiftkey Keyboard, Why? Right!

Swiftkey keyboard is one of the best keyboards in the market with lots of features like gesture typing, amazing auto correct, almost accurate prediction, different keyboard modes, many themes which are completely free now, keyboard resize etc.

Having all these features which are great, it has one more important feature and that is its clipboard.

How to use:

After installing SwiftKey Keyboard from the play store, open it and set it to default keyboard and go to typing setting you will see clipboard option tap on it and you will see something like the screenshots below.

swift key keyboard options

SwiftKey Keyboard screenshot

Check the - Remember copied items option otherwise Swifkey's clipboard will not work.
You can manually type and add items from the clipboard settings otherwise just copy it from anywhere and paste it,  it will be stored in the clipboard.

You can also pin clipboard items so that they will not be removed accidentally.

clipboard manager

clipboard manager screen shot


So, everyone these were the best clipboard apps in my opinion. which one you use or you will use its all up to your liking. I am here just speaking peace of my mind. So here it is, copy bubble the best of the best clip board app

If you don't use swiftkey keyboard or you just don't like it, then copy bubble is your deal, and Universal copy, it's in the name, "UNIVERSAL" for those stubborn texts which are not in your hand.

Share if you liked it, and feel free to drop a comment about which clipboard apps do you like or you think that should have been included in the above list. PEACE!
